Municipal Servicing Work Continues

Contractor GFL is continuing to work on completing municipal service installations. This week will see pipe installation work along the right of way on the north side of the site, just south of the existing sidewalk. Work hours this week will be between  7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday to Friday.

The work program will continue for approximately 3 more weeks.

It will not impact the Pier 27 access driveway or the internal roadways. 

However, there will be some minor pedestrian and Martin Goodman Trail diversions to accommodate the work.

REMINDER: the bus stop on the north side of Queens Quay East will be temporarily relocated to the west side of Freeland in mid-May. 

15 Queens Quay Project Work

  • 34th floor to the 14th floor: interior finishes ongoing. 

  • Hoist suites – 2nd floor to 34th floor: interior finishing work continues.

  • Ground floor landscape – work is ongoing on the hardscape through the month.

We note that work may progress at a slower pace in order to ensure that physical distancing is maintained. 

Saturday, May 9

  • We expect that staff will be on site Saturday, May 9, from 9 am. However, if this changes will post an update near the end of this week. 

Questions about construction progress?

Contact us at

Hardscape landscaping work is ongoing on the east side of 15 Queens Quay through the week of May 4. We expect work to be substantially complete by mid to late May. 

Work on the balconies where the hoist (external construction elevator) was located is substantially complete. Work on the adjacent suites is near completion on the podium and tower levels.

Remaining balcony finishing will be ongoing over the coming week.

We will have an update on progress at the end of this week.

All work on site is being conducted according to
Provincial Guidelines.
Hand-washing and physical distancing
practices are in place.
Please check back regularly for updates.